铝单板吊顶节点图 铝挂片
- 品牌:官网:www.ueooo.com
- 规格:电话:13570481951
- 材质:QQ:983151946
- 产地:铝天花-幕墙厂家
- 更新时间:2025-02-12
麦卫灿 先生
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直插式挂片天花系列 这是一种装饰性天幕型吊顶,可调节房屋视觉高度,隐藏搂底的所有管道和其他设施,同时还可以使进入房间的日光或灯光柔和均匀,挂片天花由铝合金板及龙骨组成,装拆灵活。直插式有75mm、 85mm 、110mm,以100mm、150mm间距固定于龙骨上,挂片天花绝不影响房屋的吸音以及消防喷淋、空调系列等设施的安装,备有多种颜色可供选择。该产品适用于建材装饰、机场、地铁站等大型场所。 This is a decorative type attium ceiling,adjustable housing vesual height,and ceiling to hide all the pipelines and other facilities, but also allows aunlight to enter the room or a soft uniform lighting.Hanging from the ceilings of aluminum alloy plate and the keel section of the Assembly and Disassembly flexible.In-line there is 75mm,85mm,110mm,with 100mm,150mm or spacing fixed in the keel up, hanging ceilings and in no wau affect the soundabsorbing housing as weel as fire sprinkler,air-conditioning series of facilities such as the installation of a wide range of colors can be for selection.The product aapplies to building materials decoration,airports,metro stations and other large venues. Hole,such as product lines,suitable indoor and outdoor installation. 常用规格(size): 75 85 110 110异型A 110异型B(mm)